Small Stacks to Create Impact

Feb 26, 2025

You know that feeling when you're inspired to make a change, so you download three habit-tracking apps, set up multiple reminders, and create an elaborate system for accountability… only to feel overwhelmed and abandon ship two weeks later when your phone won't stop nagging you? (Oh, trust me, I've been there more times than I can count! 😂)

What if I told you that building new habits doesn't require a complete life overhaul or your phone constantly buzzing with reminders? Sometimes, the quietest shifts create the most powerful ripples of change.

I figured this out recently when trying to drink more water. Instead of setting alarms (which, let's be honest, I'd eventually start ignoring), I simply started filling my water bottles while waiting for my morning coffee to brew. That's it! That one small shift – linking hydration to my existing coffee routine – felt completely effortless, yet totally transformed my daily water intake. Why? Because starting with water first thing in the morning, rather than just racing to my caffeine fix, meant I was hydrating before I even fully woke up. By the time I finished my coffee, I'd already made progress on my water goals for the day!

 This "stacking" approach – basically linking two routines together – can work for pretty much any goal you're chasing:

  • Want to read more? Pop in your earbuds and listen to an audiobook while folding laundry
  • Seeking more mindfulness? Take three deep breaths while changing into PJs
  • Working on gratitude? Reflect on one thing you're thankful for while brushing your teeth

The magic lies in connecting these small actions to routines you already do on autopilot. No epic willpower battles. No complicated systems to maintain. Just simple connections that eventually feel as automatic as reaching for your toothbrush before bed.

Here's a simple plan to get started:

  1. Pick ONE small action step that you want to start (emphasis on small—we're talking tiny here)
  2. Identify a daily routine you never skip (even on your worst days)
  3. Link them together
  4. Approach it like a fun little experiment —notice what clicks, what doesn't, and adjust accordingly

Remember: Those tiny moments – the deep breath before bed, the chapter during household chores, the stretch while waiting for your tea to steep – they aren't just random fillers in your day. They're actually the building blocks of the life you're creating, one small, intentional choice at a time.

Isn't it funny how the smallest changes can sometimes make the biggest difference?

Wish you had a way to track (and celebrate) those new habits?

Sometimes a visual of what you HAVE completed - those small steps or actions taken quietly over and over again - can help build confidence and build momentum. Find what works for you or reach out to us for something personalized & branded for your business!

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