Your Winter Chapter

Appreciate Your Nose Hair

Jun 07, 2022

National Appreciate Your Nose Hair Day...

There isn't one, but should be!

I knew that I would lose my hair with chemo.  However, nobody mentioned that I will most likely lose those little hairs in my nose!!   I never thought about them or really appreciated their function until now.

Did you know that your nose hairs keep your nose from running?  I have to have a tissue nearby all the time because my nose can be like a faucet.  It also becomes very dry and sore!  If you haven’t given thanks for your nose hair lately, do so today. They are valuable!!

To all this hair loss, there are pros though...

  1. Save money on hair product
  2. Fun to experiment with new makeup techniques
  3. Fun to experiment with wigs and hats
  4. Less shaving!
  5. My hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows may grow back thicker
  6. Less time to get ready
Here's to some super healthy post-chemo hair growth!!!