Your Winter Chapter


Are You Ready for LYFE... Loving Yourself Forward Everyday?

Loving Yourself Forward is a personal practice of showing up for YOU!  It's a mindful, intentional approach to shifting your energy, attention, and choices to be in service of your wants, needs and well being.  

Loving Yourself is NOT an achieved state of being. It is NOT something we can check off our list. 

Loving yourself IS felt in the small moments throughout EACH day as an active practice of granting yourself a little grace, understanding and kindness. It means recognizing criticism and doubt yet moving forward and celebrating every step along the way.

We are here to help you create a vision for your life, build momentum towards that vision through intention, love yourself forward each and every day and get back to who you truly are.

Step Into Authentic Self-Discovery:

A Journey Back to You

Practice self-reflection through thoughtfully tailored templates to uncover hidden desires, clarify priorities, and recognize obstacles. 

I'm Ready to Get Back to Me

Create Your LYFe:

The Blueprint

Practice more intentional living each day through a vision blueprint and integrative tools to focus on what’s important, take aligned action and build positive momentum.

I'm Ready to Create My Life

Foster Support:

Within Yourself & Through Others

Practice prioritizing yourself, fostering healthy connection and accountability through a private community of women with diverse skills, perspectives, and experiences to be motivated, inspired and supported.

I Want to Be Surrounded by Empowered Women










The Winter Chapter is

Tuesday, Dec 3rd

(4-6pm CT)

Reconnecting with yourself and LYFE (Loving Yourself Forward Everyday) is an essential step for your well-being.


Time can fly by so quickly. We may have a vision for our lives, but often move through each week and experience as if on autopilot... completing a checklist.

What if you got focused on how you wanted to SHOW UP and BE for the next 12 Weeks vs what you will DO? 12 weeks is basically one season or one chapter of your story - and it MATTERS.

What if you were to pause for a moment to consider...

  • What do I want to FEEL during these next 12 weeks?
  • Who do I want to BE?
  • What experiences do I want to engage in?
  • What would I love to invite in that is new? 

This 2-hour workshop offers you the space, guidance and time to:

  • Obtain clarity on your intentions for 2025 AND specifically the initial weeks
  • Write the story you envision for the next 12 weeks (year-end and new year!)
  • Integrate a practice into your first week that creates momentum & impact
  • Recharge your energy for the weeks ahead 


*These Quarterly Workshops are FREE for Members - learn more here

Register for the Winter Chapter Now!

Interested but the date/time doesn't work? 


We offer an On Demand/Online Guided Course that you can work through whenever it works for YOUR schedule.

Start Now


Energize, Release & Reset; Stop Circling the Drain 

Create change in your life, get clarity on what you need and want and live with more intention. The content and tools here will help you connect with yourself at a deeper level in order to discover what is meaningful for you! Through this program you will:

  • Evaluate what drains and energizes you
  • Assess where you show up for yourself
  • Name and engage with your inner critic
  • Surrender what gets in your way
  • Honor your journey... and Love Yourself Forward... Everyday


I am Ready for a RESET

Practice LYFE - A Reflection Guide...

Welcome to a transformative experience designed to guide you through deep self-reflection and personal growth. Our 'Practice LYFE' workbook invites you to explore the core of who you are and what 'Loving Yourself Forward Everyday' means in your unique context. Dive into thought-provoking questions that encourage you to clarify your desires, identify your aspirations, and align your daily life with your truest self.

Start your journey today and discover the power of intentional living. Each page is a step towards a more fulfilled, joyful, and authentic you.

You are worth every step of this journey.


Help Me Practice LYFE

Get started with your own unique LYFE path with our variety of free offerings designed to inspire, support, and guide you:

  1. Guidance:  Create meaningful change, gain clarity on your needs and desires, and get out of auto-pilot with our on-demand course: Energize, Release & Reset. 
  2. Community: Become a member on a free trial basis and be encouraged, inspired, and supported as you navigate your personal growth.
  3. Self-Reflection: Explore tools from our Intention Collection that help you reflect, maintain mindfulness and embed more intention in your daily life.
  4. Engaging Events: Participate in inspiring events like Bold Moves in LYFE™ and feel empowered and less alone in your significant life changes.

Each resource is crafted to help you explore and embrace the essence of Loving Yourself Forward Everyday. Start living intentionally today... You are worth it!

Explore These Resources

Being intentional is a practice. By integrating our tools & practices into your life you're no longer going through the motions but actively shaping your life's narrative with intention and purpose. Dive into our FREE collection here to help you create your own approach to Loving Yourself Forward Everyday.


Are you:

  • looking for women who will support, encourage and challenge you?
  • too 'busy' focused on what others need from you and losing sight of your needs?
  • struggling to show up for yourself due to simply too much 'everything else'
  • wanting to prioritize yourself but overwhelmed with where to start?

Belong in Community... 

Let's practice new and different ways of Loving Ourselves Forward.  Together, we can shift the momentum to a life we each desire & deserve. 

Expand your network of accountability and support while having fun. Collaborate and connect with others in virtual meetups, challenge yourself with different LYFE approaches, engage in special 'member only' events, meaningful chats and so much more to motivate, encourage and foster your personal growth journey.


Being surrounded by empowered women navigating similar things!

At The LYFE Connection™, we don’t just talk about personal growth—we live it. Our carefully curated themes and topics throughout the year are designed to address the real, relevant issues we all face as we navigate life’s complexities. These aren't just casual conversations; they’re powerful, transformative discussions that resonate deeply with both your individual path and our shared experience as a community.

Each week, through live virtual Meetups, inspiring events, and our self-paced Challenges and Online Courses, we dig deep into what matters most—empowering you to own your journey, shape your life, and Love Yourself Forward Every Single Day. This is more than a membership; it’s your personal growth mastermind, providing the tools, support, and accountability to make meaningful shifts in your life.

Learn More About The LYFE Connection...
Explore The Topics We Focus On


Reconnect with yourself by investing some time for self-discovery using our tailored digital tools designed to help YOU on your journey of personal growth:

  • Gain deeper personal insights through thoughtful prompts
  • Identify and prioritize your personal needs
  • Shape habits to support your intentions
I want to reconnect with myself


Incorporate more intention into your days with our digital tools and courses that empower you to:

  • Get clarity on personal values and beliefs
  • Create a vision that represents a future you desire and deserve
  • Focus your time and energy on what builds positive momentum 
I want to live more intentionally


Foster more healthy connections through a private community of women with diverse skills, perspectives, and experiences to be motivated, inspired and supported.

  • Break old patterns and inspire new, healthier habits through weekly challenges

  • Connect with others for encouragement and accountability

  • Engage in meaningful conversations with others on similar journeys 
I want to be surrounded by supportive women

Our mission is to inspire and provide ways for women to practice loving themselves forward everyday - to recognize that they matter too in the list of priorities.
Join us...

Rediscover who you are (or want to be)

Be more intentional in your choices and actions to get out of autopilot 

Surround yourself with women that offer unique perspectives and encouragement.

Start My Journey Back to ME!


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